Photo source: Min An@pexels
Pretty girls definitely know how to spend time and effort in Skin Care. However, it’s always about the face, but the hands are usually neglected. Do you know? People do say that the hand represents a Woman’s second face. A smooth pair of hands leaves a better impression on others.
Do not underestimate the importance of caring for your hands. According to research studies, many people will observe the other party’s hands during interviews, appointments, parties, dates, etc. and secretly give the person a score in mind. I believe you will not want to have a pair of dry flaky hands, it’s embarrassing yeah?
However, if you were to visit the Nail Salon frequently, it is going to cost you a bomb! 💸Apart from the cost, it is also troublesome and time-consuming to head out.
What if I tell you...there’s a value kit that you can use in the comfort of your own house? Beautifuls, you have to check this out [Dr. wonder Nail Care Home DIY Set]!

Easy and convenient,
proper care for your hands that is worth every penny!
[Dr. wonder Nail Care Home DIY Set] consists of ‘Ceramic Pocket Loose Skin Remover’ , ‘Nail Essence Pocket Pen’ , ‘Nail Paraffin Hot Spa’. You may choose to purchase this Value Set or get them separately. What’s so useful about this set?
Let me explain it to you…
Dr. Wonder is a brand from Korea. This brand can be found in major drug stores such as OLIVE YOUNG, LOHB’s, Lalavla, etc. It is a popular brand among Korean Girls! Now in Singapore, you need not fly over to Korea as Dr.wonder is now officially available online!
= Ceramic Pocket Loose Skin Remover =
When the weather is dry, it is easy to have dead skin on the hands. Most people will choose to pluck them with fingers or cutting with nail clippers. However, keratin may actually be useful for the skin, if you use the wrong method, there may be a possibility that the dead skin will grow thicker.
Get started easily if you are a beginner! Simply use the tip of the pen to push the skin from the outside to inside and you will see them coming off effortlessly! Isn’t it satisfying to watch?

The main ingredients are Olive Oil, Avocado, Lavender Essential Oil, etc. They not only help to remove dead skin, but also moisturizes the skin at the same time!
= Hot Paraffin Spa =
After exfoliation, you may use the ‘Hot Paraffin Spa’! This is really cool, just like waxing your fingers! It seems professional and complicated but fret not, this is super easy to use.
Open the lid and pour 80~90°C water up to the temperature sensor label sticker.
*do not place it into the microwave*
Wait for about 1 min.
For the label sticker to turn from purple to pink.
After 1 min., open the lid and wait for the label to turn back from pink to purple. This shows that the water is turning lukewarm.
As the water becomes lukewarm, dip your fingers in and out for around 3~5 secs. Repeat 3~4 times.
*Make sure to cool down the solution as you may burn your hands if the temperature is too high*
There will be a thick layer of paraffin on your fingers. Let it dry for 10~15mins. and peel them off gently.
After using the product, make a hole on the surface of the paraffin, pour away the leftover solution and close the lid to store.

Now, you can have a pair of beautiful and nourished hands! This can be done at home! Really great for lazy may also share it with your sister or partner as this is sufficient for two people to use.

= Nail Essence Pocket Pen =
Last but not least, the final stage is to moisturize and supply nutrients! This Nail Essence Pocket Pen is designed in the shape of a brush, which makes it easy to use. It contains 100% Natural Extracts, like those you can find in Nail Salons! After using, it gives your hands a natural shine...really awesome!
In fact, according to research studies, people prefer to have clean and neat nails than applying nail polish. After all, it is also expensive to spend money at Nail Salons.
Dr. wonder Nail Care Home DIY Set is all that you need! No ugly situations like nail polish chipping and those pens in this Value Set are so light and can be carried around with you conveniently!
Girls who want to be pretty, it’s time to try this out now!
🔽 Dr. wonder Nail Care Home DIY Set 🔽